Acne -common skin problem of teenagers -Knowledge & solution

Acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged. It is skin disorder that afflicts and very high number of people both men and women.

The percentage of acne among teenagers is very high:about 70-80% of teens between 14 to 20 yrs suffer from acne.

Triggers of Acne

  • Air pollution and certain weather conditions
  • Stress, which increases the hormone cortisol
  • Side effect of a medication
  • Using oily or greasy personal care product
  • Wearing tight-fitting clothing and headgear

Situation that triggers Acne

  • Sebum:- Excessive sebum production causes Acne
  • Dead skin cells:-Dead skin cells together with excess sebum clog the pores and hence acne occurs.
  • Bacteria:-If too much bacteria there on your skin it can clog pores.

Origo Admin

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